Thursday, August 26, 2010

Busy Bees

My week is lacking in the blog world, but very, VERY full in the real world. We have been prepping & packing for yet another journey, running about gathering up things we need, catching up on necessary appointments, sewing up something special for a friend's little baby soon to be in this world (I'll show next week post-baby shower), writing a few long overdue letters (I love mailing a letter, almost as much as I love receiving one), some Etsy browsing - and ok yes, some Etsy buying, a wee bit of baking, and just trying to do a little house cleaning (I love coming home from a holiday to a clean house).

Today, we had a visit to our local library to stock up on guide books about the Maritime provinces of Canada. We have struggled with our itinerary because of course we want to see absolutely EVERYTHING in 2 weeks time but obviously cannot, and we don't want to push it too hard for the little guy's sake. Hey, I would be pretty crabby if I were buckled in to the same position for any great length of time! We want to make sure our driving days aren't too aggressive, and that we have time to stretch them out for plentiful stops so our son can enjoy a bit of run around time in between those sits.

Choosing what to give up on an adventure is one of the most difficult things, but really when it all comes down to it the less you do can actually make the trip. You can immerse yourself in the things you do choose to do without feeling time pressures and stress - which we all have enough of in our regular day-to-day living.

So here we are, making a few last minute decisions. Thank God for the internet when it comes to planning a journey. Being able to connect with others on various forums to hear what their particular must-sees are is very valuable.
A couple of spots we rely on regularly are:
The Lonely Planet's Thorntree forum

The planning and anticipation of a trip are a pretty awesome part of the whole process.

This is my busy bee at the library. He just loves to move things around and organise which is what he is all about here.

If you aren't currently traveling or planning to, you should muster up a serious dream trip. It's the best kind! When we aren't away, we're most definitely dreaming about it...

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