Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Wow. Another year passed, in the blink of an eye.

2011 was a year of loss, but also a year of massive gain, and I have an incredible number of things to be thankful for to prove it.

*My healthy, happy, (slightly sleep starved) baby boy who has added so much to our little family with his big silly smiles, his enthusiastic encouragement for big brother's antics, and his love for snuggling.

*For my rambunctious, chatty, hilarious, and rapidly growing 2 year old.

*Our safe return to Canada after an incredible 12 weeks of travel.

*An incredible 12 weeks of travel!

*My husband as a Dad - his patience, his support, his love, and yes, even his crazy rowdy way of playing with our 2 baby boys.

*Footprints - What I mean is, the amazing impact that some people have on our lives so that even after they have gone from this life we are blessed to be left with beautiful memories, emotions, and even a permanent change within ourselves from having known them.

*That I was able to spend this Christmas with my entire family.

*That I have, to this point, been able to be at home full-time with my boys.

*My beautiful new nephew, Malikai, who I was able to meet and cuddle very recently.

*My newly announced nephew or niece, who is busily preparing for his or her June debut!

*For all of you who read and share on my blog. I love writing here. I love the communication it creates, the friends I have made through it, and the record I now have because of it. So thanks to you for the encouragement you bring by simply stopping by!

Happy New Year to you all!! I hope 2012 brings you a mountain of things to be thankful for!


  1. A big Happy New Year to you as well. :D
    Your family is so sweet and I'm glad I got to meet the boys, ever so briefly, at TK's. Be well and carry on. I love your blog.

  2. So wonderful.
    Happy New Year my friend ;)
